Sunday, June 15, 2008

BrieAnn Schiffler - our pageant tour guide

Marca and I had the wonderful opportunity to attend the Mormon Miracle pageant in Manti, Utah yesterday as we traveled down with the stake's Young Single Adults. Sadly we only had one person from our ward join us, but if we are not going for quantity, we settled for quality.

We were blessed to go down and back with BrieAnn. What a joy she was and I should say is. If some of you don't know, after high school BrieAnn went south to Snow College and got her Associates degree. Snow College is in Ephraim Ut which is a few miles from Manti. Following Snow College she's gone up to Utah State University and will soon finish her degree in Social Work. Right now her plans are to pursue a master's degree.

She has also served as a Stake Youth Leader at our Stake's Young Women's Camps for three years. Since Marca was involved with the Stake YW, Marca worked with her. Following the camps, Marca would return home with nothing but praise for the diligence and willingness to serve and her untiring dedication to make the camp a great experience for the other YW. BrieAnn is amazing in her ability to reach out and be friendly to everyone. That was demonstrated last night as we shared 10 hours together - driving down, hanging out, watching the pageant and then driving home. A brother and sister from the stake also joined us in the van. BrieAnn instantly made them welcome and together we all had a wonderful trip. Her sincere enthusiasm and interest in others was very evident.

Having lived in Ephriam while she went to school and having traveled back and forth many times, BrieAnn was a great tour guide as we drove from SLC to the pageant. We learned about the turkey farms, the pizza places that were best, where the hang out places were and even her dream home in town. Overall, we loved the pageant but mostly BrieAnn added a touch of joy to the trip. Thanks Brie.

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